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Good news! ZeemGO is pleased to announce that the Folia Project has joined our team to lead the ZeemValley project. ZeemValley is an exciting initiative to promote sustainability and environmental conservation through tree planting.

This new ZeemGO project will be led by Luis Cardalliaguet. Apart from being a Forestry Engineer, he is a recognized expert in sustainability and the environment, with years of experience in the sector. He joins ZeemGO as a strategic advisor to lead the launch of ZeemValley, a project that seeks to plant 600 trees in Andalusia by winter 2023.

Luis is CEO and Founder of Folia Project, an organization dedicated to reforestation, with a special presence in the southern provinces of Spain where the consequences of climate change and desertification suffer the most. With more than 40,000 trees already planted and dozens of hectares of forest recovered.

New update in ZeemGO: ZeemValley

The innovative tree planting feature in the ZeemGO app takes the user experience to the next level by fusing sustainable mobility with direct contribution to environmental preservation. Through this new feature, users have the unique opportunity to purchase trees using ZeemCoins, and in recognition of their participation, they will receive a personalized diploma highlighting their contribution to reforestation.

The experience doesn’t stop there: users can access a full range of data about their tree, from the specific species to its precise location. This detailed data not only allows users to track the growth and development of their tree, but also provides information on associated environmental benefits, such as CO2 absorption capacity.

Additionally, the feature allows users to plan personal visits to their trees, giving them a tangible and emotional connection to the positive impact they are making on the environment.

The culmination of this sustainable experience is manifested in the in-person tree planting event in Andalusia, which takes place during the winter season to ensure the survival and rooting of the trees.

This event is not only an opportunity for users to actively participate in the expansion of green areas, but is also conceived as a fun and sustainable experience. By joining forces in tree planting, the ZeemGO community of users not only contributes to the environment, but also creates meaningful bonds towards a greener and healthier future.


ZeemValley is an exciting example of supporting environmentally positive and sustainable projects. By planting a tree through the ZeemGO app, users can directly contribute to creating a greener and more sustainable future, while offsetting their Carbon Footprint.

In short, the ZeemValley initiative led by ZeemGO is an important step in the right direction towards sustainability and environmental conservation. ZeemGO is proud to have Luis on our team and we are excited to work with him to make ZeemValley a success.

Download ZeemGO and join our initiative to plant trees!