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March 22, 2023 | We are at a key moment for the mobility sector where important regulatory changes continue to take place and where the electric vehicle has positioned itself as the main mobility sustainability solution.


ZeemGO participates in SUMMIT 2023 organized by the EMS

Although we are far from the target set of having 5 million electric vehicles circulating in Spain in 2030, only in the last year 1⁄3 of the total current electric park (315,622 electric vehicles) has been registered, which gives a sign of growth exponential, according to data from AEDIVE. However, despite having broken the record of 100,000 registrations in 2022, to meet the goal of 5 million, this rate would have to be multiplied by six.

“2023 is going to be a crucial year that requires the implementation of accelerator measures. Although we are experiencing the greatest evolution of the electric vehicle both in Spain and in Europe, we must continue to promote electric mobility beyond the vehicle, paying attention to other aspects as the need for a fast and interoperable charging infrastructure to accompany electric mobility in its evolution, both for automotive vehicles and for heavy vehicles”, stated Arturo Pérez de Lucía, general director of AEDIVE, during the round table “Fast and interoperable charging infrastructure: the user experience“, held within the framework of the 7th edition of the SUMMIT 2023 meeting: Promoting Sustainable Mobility from Companies.

Along these lines, Javier Lázaro, Regional Sales Manager Southern Europe at XCharge, highlighted that “Electric vehicle manufacturers have done a great job, because whoever tries it does not return to combustion. The challenge we now have ahead of us is to make fast recharging is better than traditional refueling and we can do it because we have the technology.” Innovation and optimization of charging points is key, as an example “We have an innovative charger with an integrated battery that allows, with ultra-fast charging, to charge 5 vehicles using only energy from the batteries”, he indicated.

“Focusing on the user experience is another key point and we have an example with the inconveniences when using the infrastructure and making the payment. From XCharge we are including POS in our chargers and we have been using autocharge technology for some time, which recognizes the “ID” of the vehicle and charges the amount automatically to the associated account. In this way, the user reaches the charger, connects it, finishes charging and leaves, without any worries”, added Javier Lázaro.

For his part, Jorge Ríos, CEO of Etecnic, a company that manages public infrastructure in several Spanish cities and with a long history of management, has supported the message since, currently, they are installing fast and super-fast charging infrastructure with integrated batteries and autocharge system together with XCharge, with the aim of making the vehicle the payment method and improving the user experience compared to conventional refueling.

During his speech, has placed special emphasis on “The need to improve the cost of public recharging and continue to offer a suitable service, in the right place and with the right power”. In addition, he has defended that “Well-planned electric mobility gives a very interesting business, which is why we have to plan recharging in such a way that people can, based on an adjustment of the hours and the place where they recharge, obtain a Adjusted Price”.

But when we talk about users, not everyone has the same needs. In fact, buses are called to be key users if we consider the ambitious objectives of the European Commission, which establish that 100% of the buses that are registered in 2030 are zero emissions.

Along these lines, Miguel Ángel Alonso, Director of Engineering and Office of European Funds Alsa/National Express, International Mobility Award and who has a goal that by 2035 all his fleet be zero emissions, has stated that “The charging infrastructure continues being a barrier to public transport” and has called for “Greater coordination between administrations and less bureaucracy, thinking that it is a present and future need and with the aim of making it a country project”. In addition, he stressed that “Public-private collaboration is key and an example of this is the project that we are going to develop together with Bilbao, where we will use the charging infrastructure of the Bilbao Metro to charge our vehicles at night”.

For this reason, deploying a larger, more efficient and optimized charging network is key, but its maintenance and improvement of the user experience are becoming decisive for its optimization and the deployment of electric mobility.

In this sense, Borja Moreno, CEO of ZeemGO has affirmed that “The future of mobility depends on the interoperability and hyperconnectivity of different services such as electric motorcycles, scooters, carsharing, public transport… For this reason, we must focus on create alliances between organizations so that users benefit. promote global sustainable mobility”, he concluded.

The SUMMIT 2023 meeting: Promoting Sustainable Mobility from Companies has brought together leading companies in Spain, professionals in the sector and public administration spokespersons to discuss the future and the challenges of sustainable mobility in our country.

An intense debate on current issues such as the mobility of the future from data management to the air taxi, the decarbonisation of transport, Low Emission Zones with the experience of the first zero emission zone in the world, the new Sustainable Mobility Law and its involvement of companies, the optimization of the charging infrastructure for the promotion of electric mobility or the role of e-commerce and the need for sustainable delivery, among others, which it has been possible to follow in streaming.

SUMMIT 2023: Promoting Sustainable Mobility from Companies has had the support of the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda and the collaboration of Alphabet, Kia, XCharge, Norauto, Webfleet, Allianz Partners, Free Now for Business, El Corte Inglés, Etecnic, MOOEVO Green and Ford Pro.

You can see the complete video of the event here and the video of the round table on “Interoperability and innovation for the optimization of the charging infrastructure, keys to the development of electric mobility in Spain” by clicking here.

About Companies for Sustainable Mobility (EMS)

EMS is a platform that brings together organizations that are committed to promoting sustainable mobility, contributing to the 2030 Agenda and sustainable growth from an economic, social and environmental point of view.

Coordinators of the International Mobility Awards with the collaboration of the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda, the CONAMA Foundation and the Royal Academy of Engineering, the platform is a meeting point for professionals, administrations and industry that are leading mobility, the transportation and trade to come. A forum for co-creation and enhancer of reference solutions, which offers all the current information and trends within the sustainable mobility sector.