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The new alliance between SotySolar and ZeemGO combines the power of solar energy and Blockchain technology with a strong focus on sustainability. Different startup, same dream: promoting the adoption of sustainable mobility.

Dive into our new collaboration with ZeemGO and discover how this union can make a difference.

ZeemGO, Blockchain technology to drive the adoption of sustainable mobility

ZeemGO has created an innovative rewards system through its own virtual token, ZeemCoins, relying on Blockchain technology. Its objective? Fight against climate change and pollution by betting on intelligent mobility without emissions.

In their desire to improve the experience of electric car drivers in Europe, they have developed a mobile application where the user can earn these virtual tokens to unlock discounts applicable to sustainable mobility services.

Keys to the alliance between ZeemGO and SotySolar

SotySolar and ZeemGO are determined to reduce the Carbon Footprint and reward those who bet on green energy and sustainable mobility. Together, they are creating an ecosystem where every small action counts in the race towards a greener, cleaner world.

The collaboration between SotySolar and ZeemGO is an opportunity for lovers of the planet and technology.


Not a customer yet? Join and unlock your discount!

At SotySolar we have activated two discounts that ZeemGO customers can unlock to benefit from this agreement:

  • 500 euros discount for a photovoltaic installation.
  • 1,000 euros discount for an installation with battery.

The sustainable world has never been so exciting! What are you waiting to try it?