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The ZeemGO project is included in the MOVES Proyectos Singulares II Program, within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, financed by the European Union – NextGenerationEU.

The MOVES Proyectos Singulares II Program is approved with 100 million euros in funding

The Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge (MITECO) has published the call for proposals for the aid program MOVES Singulares II, which has a budget of 100 million euros. The Institute for Diversification and Energy Saving (IDAE) is the designated body to manage this aid program.. This program is part of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.

The objective of the MOVES Singulares II Program is to promote technological development projects and innovative experiences in electric mobility that, with a minimum investment of 100,000 euros, contribute to the advancement of electric and fuel cell vehicles. It aims to foster the development of projects by Spanish companies to achieve technological maturity, facilitating their commercialization.

All types of companies (micro, small, medium and large), universities and private research and development centers, and the public sector can benefit from this aid.

Future and sustainable mobility

Sustainable mobility is a transportation approach that aims to reduce environmental impact, enhance efficiency, and improve overall quality of life. Its goals include reducing emissions, promoting public transportation, encouraging bicycle and pedestrian use, adopting electric vehicles, planning pedestrian-friendly cities, and utilizing smart technologies to improve traffic flow. It represents a strategy to address climate change, improve public health, and reduce reliance on fossil fuels.

In recent times, there has been a significant increase in companies seizing the business opportunities offered by sustainable mobility, such as electric micromobility services, allowing people to travel more swiftly and comfortably along their regular routes. While this sector is continuously growing, there is still considerable progress to be made.

Programa MOVES Proyectos Singulares II, MOVES Proyectos Singulares II Program

MOVES Singulares II Plan: Advancing towards sustainable mobility in Spain

The MOVES Singulares II Plan has a clear objective: to reduce CO2 emissions from transport and enhance its efficiency. In Spain, the transportation sector consumes approximately 42% of the available final energy, with over half of this consumption occurring in urban and metropolitan areas.

Presently, most transportation relies on fossil fuels, which are in limited supply in Spain, resulting in high import dependence. The emissions produced by the combustion of these fuels significantly impact air quality, especially in large cities, leading to severe public health issues.