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In an admirable initiative, ZeemGO executed the ZeemValley project on January 28, 2024. This project involved planting 100 trees in the Puerto Collado area, located in the municipality of Cómpeta, in the province of Málaga. The environmentally friendly idea was spearheaded by Borja Moreno Candau, CEO of ZeemGO, and was brought to fruition with the collaboration of Luis Cardalliaguet Muñoz, CEO of the Folia Project.


Folia Project is a company comprised of forestry engineers specializing in environmental recovery and conservation, with a track record of planting more than 35,000 trees. This partnership exemplifies collaboration between organizations dedicated to environmental causes. The establishment of ZeemValley also received contributions from users (Zeemers) who, through reviews on ZeemGO, exchanged their rewards for a tree. This collective effort added significant value to the project.


ZeemValley: A forest of environmental commitment

The planting included trees of the “pinus pinaster” and “ceratonia siliqua” species, chosen for their resistance and adaptability to the local environment.

The pinus pinaster, known for its crucial role in soil erosion prevention due to its extensive and vigorous root system, also serves as a fast-growing species, efficiently absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

The European carob tree is a resilient tree species that thrives in adverse climatic conditions and prospers in poor soils, contributing to nitrogen fixation in the soil. This, in turn, enhances the fertility of surrounding crops and promotes the rehabilitation of local biodiversity.

The choice of this location was not coincidental, as Puerto Collado experienced devastating deforestation in 2014 due to forest fires.


The planting took place on an area of 1500 m² during the winter season, strategically selected to ensure the survival and establishment of the trees. The planting of these trees represents a significant step towards the recovery of this vital ecosystem. ZeemGO actively seeks to contribute in affected areas while promoting environmental conservation.

ZeemValley represents only the first step in a series of initiatives that ZeemGO has planned for the future to actively contribute to its commitment to sustainability and CO2 reduction.