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What is the agreement?

AUVE and ZeemGO seek to accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles in Spain by providing greater knowledge to their users. This adoption involves improving the public charging experience for electric vehicles.

To do this, ZeemGO has developed a mobile application in which users of electric vehicles can evaluate public charging points in Spain. In turn, per charger evaluated, ZeemGO will reward users with ZeemCoins. This token has different usability for the user and its objective is to become the payment standard for public recharging in Europe.

Due to the fact that the two entities follow the same principles, an agreement between them is established in which ZeemGO undertakes to guarantee the privacy of the personal data collected from AUVE associates and to provide 100 ZeemCoins to the first 300 AUVE associates who download the mobile app and do a full charger evaluation.

For its part, AUVE undertakes to disseminate and communicate the agreement so that it is known by all its associates.

  • Mikel Agirregabiria, AUVE President:

“AUVE has reached an agreement with ZeemGO because we share our double commitment to promote sustainable mobility and empower electric vehicle users. We believe that the gamification strategy can be effective in encouraging the sharing of all the years of experience and trajectory accumulated by our people associated with their unparalleled knowledge of charging points.”

  • Borja Moreno Candau, ZeemGO CEO:

“It is great news that AUVE and ZeemGO join in this agreement, demonstrating their clear commitment to promoting electric mobility in Spain. The more users evaluate chargers in ZeemGO, the better the user experience will be since they will be fed by this data generated by the community, and this is where AUVE comes into play with the largest community of electric car drivers in Spain.”


About ZeemGO

ZeemGO is the first tokenized platform in the electric mobility sector, it collects quality data and charging experience from the public fast charger network in Europe through its mobile application and its community of electric car drivers. This information helps to improve the user experience when charging their car on public roads and consequently drives the adoption of electric vehicles, gradually bringing us closer to a future with emission-free transport.

Locating quality fast charging stations with adequate features is a problem faced by electric vehicle users, thanks to ZeemGO this will never be an inconvenience again. ZeemGO aspires to be the most complete platform thanks to the information it generates through Gamification, Blockchain and Big Data.

ZeemGO users will provide valuable information about charging points; evaluate the correct operation and quality of the charger, indicate possible aspects to improve, report incidents to be solved (a cable in poor condition, deteriorated screen…) or indicate nearby services (hotels, restaurants, parks, gardens…) are some of the actions that ZeemGO users can perform to provide information.

This information will be rewarded by ZeemCoins to the user who contributes it. The information collected will be in real time, updated and public. In addition, thanks to ZeemCoin, drivers will be able to take part in the project that will revolutionize the electric mobility industry.

About AUVE

The Association of Users of Electric Vehicles or AUVE, is a national non-profit association made up of users and those interested in electric vehicles. This association was born from the need to promote electric mobility through the public charging infrastructure and the incentives of the administrations.

Promotes, without profit, the development of electric vehicles, as well as the equipment, applications, services and infrastructures necessary for it, as well as protects and defends the rights and interests of electric vehicle users.

All natural persons who own a 100% electric or plug-in hybrid vehicle, be it a car, quadricycle, motorcycle, moped or bicycle, and all those interested in matters related to electric mobility, harboring an interest in the development, may be part of the Association. of the aforementioned purposes.