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The ZeemGO team grows, and not with just any addition, Iván Gómez Fernández-Quintanilla joins the ZeemGO project to occupy the position of COO (Chief Operating Officer). The Madrid businessman has always trusted the ZeemGO project, since he was an investor from the beginning of the project and now he has decided to go a step further and become directly involved in it.

From his position, he will guide ZeemGO through business, financial and operational decisions, bringing his knowledge and experience. With this stellar addition, ZeemGO gains momentum and begins this year with completely renewed hopes and the desire to grow to become one of the most relevant applications in the world of electric mobility.⚡Stay tuned!

Iván Gómez Fernández-Quintanilla, COO of ZeemGO:

“In these times of recession, opportunities to do new things and in a different way arise and electric mobility linked to Blockchain is an example of this. I am very enthusiastic about the project and I want to thank Borja and the rest of the partners for their confidence in me, to join and make ZeemGO the European benchmark when it comes to planning trips and tokenizing zero emissions actions”.

Borja Moreno Candau, CEO of ZeemGO:

“Being able to count on Iván is a luxury and he takes the ZeemGO project to the next level since he has a lot of experience in the world of digitization and entrepreneurship. We have already worked together in the past and he has shown me that he is a very committed person, with a great capacity for teamwork and most importantly, we were very successful together.”

Iván Gómez

About Iván Gómez Fernández-Quintanilla

Iván is a Spanish businessman who has a lot of experience and international recognition. His extensive experience includes:

  • + 20 years of experience in business management: CEO at Valassis, CEO at Groupon, ONO, INDRA, Banco Santander, IBM…
  • Successful entrepreneur: Kwiil, Moviplans, Omegatranslator
  • Digitization expert
  • MBA at IESE Business School + AMP at Harvard Business School

Now he decides to unite his path with ZeemGO and from his position as COO he will contribute his leadership and experience to meet all the objectives proposed by the company.

About ZeemGO

ZeemGO is the first tokenized platform in the electric mobility sector, it collects quality data and charging experience from the public fast charger network in Europe through its mobile application and its community of electric car drivers. This information helps to improve the user experience when charging their car on public roads and consequently drives the adoption of electric vehicles, gradually bringing us closer to a future with emission-free transport.

Locating quality fast charging stations with adequate features is a problem faced by electric vehicle users, thanks to ZeemGO this will never be an inconvenience again. ZeemGO aspires to be the most complete platform thanks to the information it generates through Gamification, Blockchain and Big Data.

ZeemGO users will provide valuable information about charging points; evaluate the correct operation and quality of the charger, indicate possible aspects to improve, report incidents to be solved (a cable in poor condition, deteriorated screen…) or indicate nearby services (hotels, restaurants, parks, gardens…) are some of the actions that ZeemGO users can perform to provide information.

This information is rewarded by means of ZeemCoins to the user who contributes it. In addition, thanks to ZeemCoins, drivers will be able to take part in the project that will revolutionize the electric mobility industry.