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If you are the owner of an electric car and you live with a community garage, you are surely wondering what are the keys to installing a charging point in your garage space.

1. Consult with the community of neighbors and verify the electrical capacity

The first thing you should do is check with the community of neighbors and request permission for the installation. It is also important to ensure that the community electrical panel has enough capacity to support the charge from the charging point.

2. Contact a specialized electrician

Once the permit has been obtained and the electrical capacity of the switchboard has been verified, an electrician specialized in charging point installations must be contacted to carry out the installation. It is advisable to choose a charging point model that adapts to the characteristics of your electric car and your garage space.

3. Comply with the regulations and necessary security measures

It is important to ensure that the installation is carried out in compliance with all the necessary regulations and safety measures. It is also important that the installation is carried out by a certified professional, since a wrongly installed charging point can cause short circuits and electrical hazards.

4. Enjoy the convenience of charging your electric car at home

Once the charging point is installed in your garage, you can charge your electric car comfortably at home. In addition, installing a charging point in your community garage will not only increase the convenience of charging your electric car, but will also contribute to improving the environment.

Punto de recarga, Charging point

 5. Download ZeemGO App and save on installing a charging point in your home

If you are looking for the best discounts on installing a charging point for your garage, download the free mobile application ZeemGO App. In this application you will find a wide variety of discounts on products and services within electric mobility.